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Hypnotherapy and Coaching
Sessions for Positive Change

Harnesing the power of your mind

Hypnotherapy and Coaching Sessions for Positive Change


The most common questions people ask me are: What is hypnosis? What is hypnotherapy? And what is coaching?

I would say that hypnotherapy is one of the most powerful yet still one of the least understood techniques for helping people overcome their issues. It enables clients to move forward more quickly and smoothly compared to traditional talk therapy.

What’s even more important is that it helps you achieve results by tapping into the abilities of your own mind, without any medication.

Hypnotherapy is a proven, effective treatment for a wide range of issues. (see below)

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural, focused state of relaxation where the conscious mind becomes calm, allowing the subconscious mind to become more receptive. In this state, you are still aware (not sleeping!), and in control, but more open to positive suggestions.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy uses the relaxed state of hypnosis to help access subconscious mind, where deeply held beliefs and habits are stored. By accessing them and using therapeutic methods, it allows for the release of limiting beliefs and the resolution of deep-seated issues. It is safe, no-invasive and it can help with many issues that mental, emotional and health problems may bring. 

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a structured, supportive process designed to help you identify your goals and create a clear plan of action. Through guided discussions, insightful questions, personalised strategies, and constructive feedback, coaching helps you overcome obstacles and achieve meaningful breakthroughs, self-discoveries and desired goals. It empowers you to unlock your potential, build new skills, and make lasting changes in areas of your needs – in personal or professional life, or health-related issues.

Your growth is your personal process, supported by the therapist.

Who Can Benefit from Hypnotherapy and Coaching?

Everyone can benefit from hypnotherapy, regardless of age, gender, or education. Anyone who wants to improve something in their life. However, there are certain medical conditions where hypnotherapy is not recommended. We all face worries, barriers, emotions, habits, goals, and challenges that can stop us from growing, finding inner freedom and peace. If you’re seeking a better ‘tomorrow’ for yourself or people you love, hypnotherapy and coaching can make it easier.

Truly-You Hypnotherapy & Coaching

What can Hypnotherapy help with?

Hypnotherapy is a versatile tool that can address a wide range of issues. Whether you are looking to resolve a specific issue or boost existing strengths, hypnotherapy can be highly effective. While it’s not a substitute for medical treatment, it offers a valuable form of additional support.

The following list includes common issues that can be helped by hypnotherapy, though it is by no means exhaustive.

It’s also important to understand that certain problems may have multiple sources and symptoms. For instance, procrastination could stem from poor time management, lack of focus, indecision, or even physical symptoms like frequent migraines, while the root cause might actually be low self-confidence, self-doubt, stress, or anxiety. In fact, making one change can have wonderful effects on many aspects  of your life.

If you don’t see your concern on the list and wonder whether hypnotherapy could be beneficial, please reach out for more information.

List of Common Issues
where Hypnotherapy Proves Effective
Truly-You Hypnotherapy and Coaching
Lack of Self-Believe

Lack of Confidence – Lack of Self-Worth – Low Self-Esteem – Feeling not being good enough – Feeling different – Feeling not being lovable – Self-Doubt – Self-Loating – Lack of Self-Aceptance – People pleasing

Anxiety – Worry – Fear – Phobias – Stress

Fear of Flying – Fear of Animals – Fear of Hights – Fear of Driving – Fear of Public Speaking – Social Phobia – Nail biting – Exam Stress – Fear of Dentist – Fear of Needles – Panic Attacks – Sleeping Problems – Intrusive Thought – OCD – PTSD – Anger – Rage


Food – Smoking – Vaping – Drinking – Drugs – Gambling – Shopping – Hording

Weight Management

Eating Habits – Weight Problems – Food Phobias – Overeating – Anorexia – Bulimia


Motivation – Life Purpose – Career Issues – Memory Issues – Lack of Focus – Lack of Concentration – Exams Stress – Procrastination – Imposter Syndrome – Decision Making – Mental Blocks – Burnout – Sports Achievements – Stress Management

Health Issues

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) – Excessive Sweating – Bruxsism – Skin Problems – Chronic Pain – High Blood Pressure – Allergies – Migraine – Recovery and Injury Rehabilitation – Support Medical Treatments – *Suppport for Cancer Patients

Money Blocks

Over-Spending – Chrometophobia (Fear of Spending Money)

Sessions for Positive Change

When you choose working with me. In my solution-focused practice, your needs are at the heart of our work and we work together, as this is a collaborative process. I combine hypnotherapy and coaching to help you move from where you are now to where you want to be. By integrating various methods, the transformation process is friendly, safe, and smooth, delivering significant, often mind-blowing, results.

Hypnotherapy & Coaching Truly-You Magdalena Kupczak
Hypnotherapy & Coaching Truly-You Magdalena Kupczak
Hypnotherapy & Coaching Truly-You Magdalena Kupczak

Below, you’ll find details about the duration of hypnotherapy or coaching sessions, the average number of sessions you might need to achieve your goals, their effectiveness, and how quickly you may notice changes.

How many sessions do I need? 

Everyone is unique, and the number of hypnotherapy sessions required depends on what you want to change and the complexity or duration of the issue.

For some, noticeable progress can happen in just one or two sessions. For more complex or multiple issues, a longer program combining hypnotherapy and coaching may be more beneficial. We’ll discuss your goals and needs before you commit to therapy, ensuring the approach is tailored to you.

Many issues have interconnected symptoms, and addressing one challenge can often positively influence related issues. This means that resolving one problem may alleviate or even eliminate others, thereby accelerating the process and reducing the overall duration of therapy.

While many clients experience significant shifts after a single session, results vary based on individual circumstances. Usually it takes one to four hypnotherapy sessions.

I understand, that some people prefer ongoing support throughout their journey of change. I can provide that as well. Feel free to explore my life coaching services for a tailored, long-term approach to achieving your goals.

Please, explore the treatments I offer. If your concern isn’t listed, feel free to contact me or book a free consultation to discuss whether hypnotherapy is the right fit for your needs.

Truly-You Hypnotherapy and Coaching

How long is hypnotherapy or coaching session?

Typically, sessions last between 60 to 75 minutes, depending on the issue being addressed and the techniques used to support your progress. RTT – Rapid Transformational Therapy – sessions, however, are longer, usually around 90 minutes, and may occasionally extend slightly.

Each session is tailored to your individual needs for maximum effectiveness.

When will I see changes? 

The timing of changes after a hypnotherapy session varies for everyone. I would say, your subconscious always knows what’s best and safest for you. Even the same person may experience changes differently after each session.

There are three types of changes people notice: immediate (felt right away), incremental (gradual improvements over time), and retroactive (realised later when reflecting on progress).



You feel a massive shift right away – immidiate changes in your physiology, thoughts and behaviours right after the session.


You see gradual and consistent shifts every day and over time


You don’t see the shifts right away and then one day you notice how differently you react to challenging situations and how many things has changed since in your life.

For even more answers to frequently asked questions, be sure to visit the FAQ section or if you have questions about your specific concerns, feel free to reach out or book free consultation.


Are you ready for a change?

There will be never a better time for a change.
Even making one change can create a ripple effect, transforming many aspects of your life.
Hypnotherapy isn’t magicit’s rooted in science.
Yet, the process and the transformations it brings can feel truly magical.
Let the magic happen for You!


Take the next step – book a session with me and experience the positive impact of hypnotherapy for yourself


And did you know, that …

  • You are going into hypnosis naturally several times during the day.

When reading, watching TV or day dreaming

  • Hypnosis is more effective compared to other therapies.

The recovery rate:
Hypnosis: 93% after 6 sessions
Behaviour Therapy: 72% after 22 sessions
Psychoanalysis: 38% after 600 session

*Alfred A. Barrios, Ph. D., Review in the journal “Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice” and in American Health Magazine.


  • Your subconscious mind is more dominant than your conscious mind.

95% of your decisions, behaviours, and habits stem from the subconscious, while only 5% are driven by conscious thought. What does this mean? To create lasting changes in your behaviours, thoughts, or emotions, it’s essential to address them at the subconscious level. And you can do that with hypnotherapy.