
What is hypnosis, hypnotherapy and how it works?



Hypnosis Explained


How successful is hypnosis?


Is hypnosis real?


Will hypnosis work for me?

Hypnosis it not what you have seen on television, stage or during street performance.

‘While meditation clears the mind with the aim of relaxing it, hypnosis does so with the intention of changing it”

Everyone experiences everyday ‘trance’ states like driving a car, when you have reached your destination but don’t really remember the journey; watching TV when you get drawn into the narrative living through the emotions with the character or when daydreaming, imagining things and creating an alternate reality.

hypnosisThe difference between these very natural states and an induced hypnotic trance is the hypnotherapist has a clear outcome from the client and guides the client to their own solutions and goals. This process of focusing on a specific issue and desired result, while being in a state of hypnosis, is what we call hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis alters our state of consciousness in such a way that our conscious (thinking) mind is ‘switched off’ (not literally, it’s sort of muted) and our subconscious (emotional) mind is made more alert. Because the unconscious mind is a deep-seated, more instructive force – it is this part of the brain that listens to the words the therapist is using – and uses them to reprogram negative patterns of behaviour and/or thinking.

Hypnotherapy is a proven, effective treatment for a wide range of issues.

In hypnosis something happens to the mind that doesn’t happen in any other state.

Your unconscious memory is virtually perfect and remembers everything.

The function of the subconscious mind is to store and retrieve data (all the necessary information, emotions, events and ‘the key to your freedom’) and it’s job is also to respond exactly the way you are programmed (what you have learnt or believed) usually in your childhood.

Your subconscious mind makes everything you say and takes it literally – it does not think or reason independently, it merely obeys the commands it receives from your conscious mind.

When the conscious mind and the subconscious mind are in conflict (e.g.: consciously you know the lift is safe, but unconsciously you fear using it) the subconscious mind always wins, because it has the power, is bigger and is run by emotions.

The subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of our thoughts, decisions and actions – so in order to make permanent change in our behaviour, thinking and emotions, we should do this on a subconscious level.

Therefore, it is worth changing or better “reprogramming our mind”, as most of our issues, behaviours, decisions and thoughts are driven by ‘the child’s mind’, which in adult life often become the obstacles and hold us back.

What hypnosis does so effectively, is it changes the programming in your subconscious mind.

What is Hypnosis good for?

• Addiction
• Drinking
• Smoking
• Drugs
• Gambling
• OCD /Compulsive Behaviour
• Anxiety & Stress
• Fear & Phobias
• Panic Attacks
• Guilt
• Relaxation
• Anger & Rage

• Eating Problems
• Food & Diet
• Weight Problems
• Anorexia
• Bulimia
• Achievement in Sport

• Depression
• Confidence
• Self Esteem
• Feeling not lovable

• Motivation
• Achieving Goals
• Procrastination
• Life Purpose

• Career Issues
• Interview Skills
• Public Speaking
• Memory & Concentration
• Exams stress
• Driving Skills

• Sexual Problems
• Infertility & Conception
• Pregnancy
• Birth
• Menopause

• Pain relief
• Hearing
• Sight & Vision
• Mobility
• Skin Problems
• Hair Growth
• Allergies
• Illnesses

• Relationships
• Childhood Problems
• Sleep Problems & Insomnia
• Bed Wetting
• Nail Biting
• Grief
• Money blocks

and much more