Magdalena Kupczak
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Meet Your Therapist
You Deserve to Feel Great.
“Everything that happens in our life, happens for us not against us”
“The need makes you think, research, act and achieve…”
My Background
I am Magda, 48, a grateful daughter, a proud mother of two beautiful children, a fulfiled wife, happy mother in law, overjoyed grandmother. Originally from Poland, but for the last 15 years I have been living in the UK. I am a person just like you.
• I am a Teacher.
My whole life I have been a teacher. Starting in kindergarden – where I taught my dolls.
For last 27 years, I have been mostly a secondary school teacher. Teaching German always was and still is my life-passion, however due to changing circumstances I have been pushed out of my comfort zone and learned to love teaching Polish, History, English as Additional Language, Art History, Geography and more. With time I have been involved in safeguarding in a school.
Teaching in a school is a great awarding experience, not only when your pupils achieve the highest grades in their GCSEs & A-Levels, but also meeting of a variety, extraordinary young people every day, being a part of their educational and personal journey and experiencing how they slowly spread their wings all over the years in a school to finally be ready to leave and fly into their future live. That was giving me always a feeling of proud that I could be part of their transformation. That’s what makes teacher’s job sense and value. Make you to get up and continue, even if sometimes is hard.
• I am an Observer.
As rewarding as this job can be, seeing pupils exceed their expectation and prepare for the lives ahead of them, it has also been very eye-opening. Over the years I have observed how many young people, even ones you wouldn’t suspect as the “have it all”, struggle from anxiety, feeling lonely, lack of friends and social skills, low self-esteem and self-believe, deep depression or anger issues. Often, but not always, pupils, who show great potential hide their deepest struggles and suddenly break down.
Then left to seek help alone and not always in the right places. Spending years on medication that doesn’t make much of a change and carrying their worries and struggles to their adulthood.
It is not easy to sit calm in front of a child or an adult in tears, who with trust and hope is telling you about what is ‘swallowing’ them and you are fully aware that you don’t have enough ‘tools’ to help.
Seeing this first hand made me want to do more. Find other ways of helping adult and children not just pass exams but learn to handle whatever life throws at them.
• I am a Hypnotherapist & Coach.
I was always interested in how the brain works and the methods available to us to improve and speed up the process of learning and memorisation. It was always fascinating seeing results. However, looking for a solution for people with emotional problems, I came across, the idea that the power of our brain can also be used to overcome our weaknesses, struggles and limiting beliefs.
I am a certified clinical hypnotherapist. In Marisa Peer school I learnt the unique RTT method.
Coaching is my basis for working with other people and it provides a lot of satisfaction seeing people changing and growing.
• The Turning Point.
The turning point in my life was a phone call which I receive on a sunny, summer day exploring my favourite city in the world on my summer holidays. A phone call from my daughter, crying, confessing for the first time, that she has been battling depression for a long time and has reached a point where she cannot cope alone anymore. Who has children knows a mother feelings in this situation. My legs buckled underneath me, the feeling of momentary helplessness and the guilt, how ‘I’, “a mum”, who has always had good contact with my children, and “a teacher” didn’t notice? But I also know children are great at ‘hiding’. A long phone call, coming to the conclusion that professional help was needed. I was determined to find help, help with quick solution, without drugs, as I thought she is too young to take any drugs and I didn’t want this problem to be numbed but solved once and for all…
• Too Good to be True.
Help with quick solution, without drugs. I didn’t want this problem to be numbed but solved once and for all.
At that time, I didn’t even think it was possible, but “The need makes you think, research, act and achieve…” I don’t remember how, but I came across Marisa Peer, watched her videos, did some research and there was something catching in her work, something that gave you hope, put a smile on your face and something conforming to my requirements – quick results, no medication, life changing.
Too good to be true, I was sceptical.
Hypnosis – “What do I know about it?” Nothing, I didn’t have any experience with it, only what I have seen on TV (stage hypnosis – not a fan). Having a catholic upbringing, I doubted this could work. But what will a parent do to help their child? Try anything.
• My First Experience.
I went to London for a conference with Marisa, where first time in my life I could personally experience hypnosis, a group hypnosis. 200 people in the room and she hypnotised everyone.
On one hand, I was excited, however I couldn’t help feeling worried as I didn’t know what to do, how to do it and I was afraid of ‘loosing control’ (something many people are afraid of), but for my child, I decided to ‘go with the flow, trust the process and see what happens (with my ‘inner emergency break’ ready, just in case ;).
I was mind blown! I couldn’t believe or even explain what had happened. Me, who was seeking help for my loved ones, me who thought I didn’t have any struggles, strong and happy with my life. I was crying like a baby. I didn’t want, but the tears came out, and wouldn’t stop. Being surrounded by 200 people, who where going through their own processes at the same time, I felt fully comfortable, safe and absolutely focused on myself.
That hypnosis freed old negative emotions, rooted deep inside me. I was finally able to let them go. It was a healing process! And was supposed to be a “taster”, yet I must admit I didn’t have any make up left on my face.;) I felt freer, lighter, happier, energised and motivated. I felt change inside me. That quick transformation, in less than 1hour, which by the end of the day was an extraordinary and a great experience let me decide to go for it and become a hypnotherapist to be able to help my beautiful child and other people in need.
• Life Changing.
Marisa’s swore that we don’t need years to change our beliefs, our behaviours or ‘mental’ state. We don’t need years of therapy, spending lots of money on it or medication, living in emotional and physical pain. With the right techniques, we can fix issues in a short amount of time and this was exactly what I was looking for.
I started this training, wanting to help other, never thinking it could help me to. However, I quickly realised that everyone has problems, only some people can cope better than others. Sometimes we get used to our limiting believes we don’t realise how much things could change for the better. That even the simplest things, can have a huge impact on our reactions, behaviour, self-esteem, career, our life in general.
I saw changes in both myself and others. I finally said “Good Bye” to my ‘inner critic’, that stopped me for years to fully believe in myself, take actions, or just to express myself, my point of view. My self-esteem and confidence has raised drastically. I was able to improve my digestion, get rid of dry skin by simply learning to let go of negative emotions.
RTT & hypnotherapy was life changing for me. I now know there is a hope and quick help is possible and available to everyone. People don’t need to struggle for years, therapies don’t need to last forever.
It’s worth giving it a shot, it can’t hurt you, it can only help – try out the power and capabilities of our own mind, which always works for us and not against us.
Hypnosis and NLP change lives.
After only one session of RTT my daughter was ‘healed’ from depression. She never relapsed. Like other people, she sometimes has her ups and downs but she’s become stronger, confident, copes well with lives obstacles and enjoys her life with a smile.
It’s a pleasure to watch her ‘growing’, making plans for her future and step by step implements them.
My Approach, Philosophy and My Message to You
Never give up, ‘fight’ for yourself, give yourself a chance – there is always a way out.
Life, almost every day, puts obstacles in our way and it is sometimes difficult to face them on your own. Our own approach can change everything or nothing. We can grow or we can remain stuck.
I am here to help, to assist you to see things from a different perspective, face the obstacles that are holding you back and support you in making that first step in your journey to a successful life.