Rapid Transformational Therapy ®


RTT is a unique, highly effective, fast hybrid therapy that combines the most beneficial principles of hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming), CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy) and Neurology for immediate relief, permanent results and transformational change in your life.

RTT works with the subconscious mind. The beauty & power of this therapy is discovering and understanding the root cause of the issue, changing its meaning, letting it go and replacing it with new habits and thoughts that serve and empower you.
It is like deweeding your garden and in place planting new, healthy vegetables and fruits, to enable you to live a ‘healthier’ life you truly desire and deserve.

The RTT process creates life-long changes and frees from emotional, physical and mental pain & limiting preconceptions as the majority of those are false.

Why is RTT unique?

Firstly, for many time-starved and in-pain clients, most important reason is that in a single 90-minute session, a client achieves remarkable, permanent results, although some deeper issues will need multiple sessions.
Secondly, there are no medications being used for treatment.
Thirdly, the method empowers clients and frees them from their issues.
Lastly, the client is fully involved throughout the process with the therapist, which leads to permanent and powerful transformation.
Additionally, in order to reinforce results and new believes and to teach the subconscious mind new behaviours the client receives a personalized transformational recording to listen to for 21 days.


When will I start to see changes?

There are 3 types of change from Rapid Transformational Therapy – every person is different:

  • Immediate: You feel a massive shift right away – immediate changes in your physiology, thoughts and behaviours right in the session.
  • Incremental: You see consistent shifts every day, and over time.
  • Retroactive: You don’t see the shifts right away and then one day you suddenly look back and see all of the things that are different in your life.


Sounds good, doesn’t it?


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What is RTT good for?

• Addiction
• Drinking
• Smoking
• Drugs
• Gambling
• OCD /Compulsive Behaviour
• Anxiety & Stress
• Fear & Phobias
• Panic Attacks
• Guilt
• Relaxation
• Anger & Rage

• Eating Problems
• Food & Diet
• Weight Problems
• Anorexia
• Bulimia
• Achievement in Sport

• Depression
• Confidence
• Self Esteem
• Feeling not lovable

• Motivation
• Achieving Goals
• Procrastination
• Life Purpose

• Career Issues
• Interview Skills
• Public Speaking
• Memory & Concentration
• Exams stress
• Driving Skills

• Sexual Problems
• Infertility & Conception
• Pregnancy
• Birth
• Menopause

• Pain relief
• Hearing
• Sight & Vision
• Mobility
• Skin Problems
• Hair Growth
• Allergies
• Illnesses

• Relationships
• Childhood Problems
• Sleep Problems & Insomnia
• Bed Wetting
• Nail Biting
• Grief
• Money blocks

and much more